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Curriculum Vitae (CV)
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Research Interests
- The governance of information and communication technologies (ICTs).
- The intersection of human rights and Internet regulation.
- Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.
- PhD Candidate in Political Science, University of Toronto.
- MA in Political Science and Asia Pacific Studies, University of Toronto.
- BA in Political Science, the University of British Columbia.
- Comparative politics.
- Public policy.
Teaching Experience
Course Instructor
- POL388 – “Politics and Government of Southeast Asia,” Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, Winter 2025.
- CAS490 – “Digital Futures of Asia,” The Asian Institute, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto, Winter 2025.
- POL106 – “Contemporary Challenges to Democracy: Democracy in the Social Media Age,” Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, Fall 2024.
- MUN198 – “Digital Technologies and Human Rights: Governing the Internet,” Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto, Fall 2024.
- MUN198 – “Digital Technologies and Human Rights: Governing the Internet,” Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto, Fall 2023.
- CAS390 – “Asia’s Digital Futures,” Asian Institute at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto, Winter 2023.
- POL438 – “Democracy in the Age of Digital Authoritarianism,” Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, Summer 2022.
Head Teaching Assistant
- POL106 2024 – “Contemporary Challenges to Democracy: Democracy in the Social Media Age” (with Professor Ron Deibert), Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, Winter 2024.
- POL106 2022 – “Contemporary Challenges to Democracy: Democracy in the Social Media Age” (with Professor Ron Deibert), Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, Fall 2022.
- POL106 2022 – “Contemporary Challenges to Democracy: Democracy in the Social Media Age” (with Professor Ron Deibert), Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, Winter 2022.
- POL106 2021 – “Contemporary Challenges to Democracy: Democracy in the Social Media Age” (with Professor Ron Deibert), Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, Winter 2021.
Articles, Papers, Reports
- “The UN Global Digital Compact Must be Multistakeholder and Inclusive,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, November 2023.
- “GeckoSpy: Pegasus Spyware Used against Thailand’s Pro-Democracy Movement,” The Citizen Lab, July 2022.
- “COVID-19 and the decline in global freedom” – “The Big Question: How Can Global Leaders and Civil Society Stem Authoritarian Measures Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic?,” National Endowment for Democracy (NED), May 2022.
- “Look South: Challenges and Opportunities for ‘Rules of the Road’ for Cyberspace in ASEAN and the AU,” Journal of Cyber Policy – Special Issue #cyberspace4all, December 2021.
- “Intrusive surveillance after the Coronavirus pandemic,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, October 2021.
- “No Access: LGBTIQ Website Censorship in Six Countries,” The Citizen Lab, Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI), and OutRight Action International, August 2021.
- “The UN struggles to make progress on securing cyberspace,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, May 2021.
- “Unmasked II: An Analysis of Indonesia and the Philippines’ Government-launched COVID-19 Apps,” The Citizen Lab, December 2020.
- “Unmasked: COVID-KAYA and the Exposure of Healthcare Worker Data in the Philippines,” The Citizen Lab, November 2020.
- “Views from the South: An analysis of India, Indonesia, and South Africa’s position at the UN Open-Ended Working Group,” 2020 The Hague Program for Cyber Norms Conference.
- “Canada’s Scattered and Uncoordinated Cyber Foreign Policy: A Call for Clarity,” Just Security, August 2020.
- “Stalkerware: A growing and dangerous problem in cybercrime,” Together against Cybercrime (TAC) International, June 2020.
- “Narrative and Politics of Hacking in “WarGames,” “Sneakers,” and “Blackhat”” (pdf), Public Voices, Volume XVI Number 1, 2019.
- “The Citizen Lab’s submission to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Ms. Dubravka Šimonović,” The Citizen Lab, November 2017.
- “An Overview of Internet Infrastructure and Governance in the Philippines,” The Citizen Lab, March 2017.
- “Internet governance during crisis: The changing landscape of Thailand,” GigaNet: Global Internet Governance Academic Network, Annual Symposium, December 2016.
- “Tender Confirmed, Rights At Risk: Verifying Netsweeper in Bahrain,” The Citizen Lab, September 2016.
- “Targeted Malware Attacks against NGO Linked to Attacks on Burmese Government Websites,” The Citizen Lab, October 2015.
- “Mapping FinFisher’s Continuing Proliferation,” The Citizen Lab, October 2015.
- “Communities @ Risk: Targeted Digital Threats Against Civil Society,” The Citizen Lab, November 2014.
- “Information Controls during Thailand’s 2014 Coup,” The Citizen Lab, July 2014.
- “The Blocking of Vimeo in Indonesia,” The Citizen Lab, May 2014.
- “Islands of Control, Islands of Resistance: Monitoring the 2013 Internet Governance Forum in Indonesia,” The Citizen Lab, December 2013.
Book Chapters
- “Views from the South: An analysis of India, Indonesia, and South Africa’s positions at the UN OEWG.” In Hybridity, conflict, and the global politics of cybersecurity, edited by Fabiano Cristiano and Bibi van den Berg. United States: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023.
- “On/offline: Multidimensional Threats Faced by Environmental Human Rights Defenders in Cambodia, Indonesia, and the Philippines.” In 2020 Global Information Society (GIS) Watch: Technology, the environment, and a sustainable world: Responses from the Global South. Melville, South Africa: Association for Progressive Communications (APC), 2021.
- “COVID-19 and Its Impact on Marginalised Communities in Singapore, South Korea, Indonesia, and the Philippines.” In COVID-19 from the Margins: Pandemic Invisibilities, Policies and Resistance in the Datafied Society, edited by Stefania Milan, Emiliano Trere, and Silvia Masiero. Amsterdam, NL: Institute of Network Cultures, 2021.
- “Feminist or Not? Canada’s challenges as it races to become a leader in artificial intelligence.” In 2019 Global Information Society (GIS) Watch: Artificial Intelligence: Human rights, social justice, and development. Melville, South Africa: Association for Progressive Communication (APC), 2019.
- “Robust personal data protection critical in COVID-19 fight,” The Jakarta Post, 17 April 2020
- “Canada’s Advisory Council on AI lacks diversity,” Toronto Star, 29 May 2019
- “End outdated Internet controls, Minister Rudiantara,” The Jakarta Post, 15 November 2014
- “Toward an open, free and secure Internet,” The Jakarta Post, 24 May 2014
- “Time for greater transparency in surveillance,” The Jakarta Post, 14 December 2013
In the Media and Featured In
- Southeast Asia Dispatches Podcast: “Pegasus Spyware in Southeast Asia,” New Naratif, August 2023.
- “The Experiences of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour) Women Teaching Assistants” (PDF), “OtherWise” Newsletter, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, September 2021.
- “Fall 2021/Winter 2022 POLITICS Newsletter” (PDF), Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, September 2021.
- “Algoritma di Media Sosial,” Voice of America (VOA) Bahasa Indonesia edition, 12 December 2021.
- “New report reveals how governments use technology to target LGBTIQ citizens,” University of Toronto Faculty of Arts & Sciences News, 24 November 2021.
- “Aplikasi PeduliLindungi Dinilai Berlebihan Himpun Data Pengguna” (in Bahasa Indonesia), Kompas, 2 January 2021.
- “Welche Daten Corona-Apps weltweit sammeln” (in German), Der Spiegel, 29 November 2020.
- “Cara baru membungkam kritik” (in Bahasa Indonesia), Majalah Tempo, 29 August 2020.
- “A&S experts on the lessons they hope we learn from COVID-19,” Faculty of Arts & Sciences, University of Toronto, 10 August 2020.
- “Kuda terbang di kantor Intel” (in Bahasa Indonesia), Majalah Tempo, 27 June 2020.
- “Do we have to sacrifice our privacy to fight the coronavirus?” Al Jazeera’s The Stream, 19 May 2020.
- “Frank Church Conference: Democracy, Russia, China and the U.S. role,” Idaho Press, 14 October 2019.
- “Human rights lens required for governments’ use of AI, panel says,” The Lawyer’s Daily, 13 February 2019.
- “How Smart Home Systems & Tech Have Created A New Form Of Abuse,” Refinery29, 9 January 2019.
Academic and Public Presentations
- University of Toronto’s Contemporary Asian Studies Student Union Academic Seminar Presentation: “Challenges in Asia’s Media Ecosystem,” University of Toronto, Canada.
- “Southeast Asian Students & Clubs: Welcome and Connect,” Student Life – Southeast Asian Student Engagement, University of Toronto, Canada.
- Guest Lecture: POL328G Topics in Comparative Politics: Death of Democracy? “Landscapes and Ecosystems: Changes in Media,” The University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada.
- “What the World Can Learn from Indonesia’s Democracy,” Persatuan Mahasiswa/i Kanada Indonesia di Toronto (PERMIKATO) and the Asian Institute at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto, Canada.
- “Panel: How to Apply to Grad Schools in International Security,” Women in International Security-Canada (WIIS-C), Canada.
- “Varieties of Internet Filtering in Southeast Asia,” Decrypting Digital Authoritarianism Conference, European University Institute, Florence, Italy.
- “Information Session: Managing TAs in Undergraduate Courses,” Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, Canada.
- “TA Training Session: Running tutorials and other teaching-related duties,” Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, Canada.
- “Internet Governance in the Southeast Asian Region” (in Bahasa Indonesia), Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 (Untag) Surabaya and ICT Watch, Indonesia.
- “Research and Reporting on Internet Censorship,” Open
Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) 2024 Partner Gathering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- “Public Discussion: Women and Digital Technology” (in Bahasa
Indonesia), ICT Watch Indonesia and the Citizen Lab, Jakarta, Indonesia.
- “Victoria College Women’s Association (VWA) Annual Luncheon Keynote Lecture: The Citizen Lab: What Happens When Videos of Cute Cats Meet ‘Big Brother’?” University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- “Embracing Minds, Empowering Lives: Safeguarding Mental Wellness amid ‘Hustle Culture’,” University of Toronto Asian Student Alliance, Toronto, Canada.
- “The Future of Democracy in Asia: Taiwan’s 2024 Elections and Their Implications Across Asia,” Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- “Safeguarding Democracy: Multifaceted Responses to Election Disinformation – Panel 4: Law, Regulations, and Governance Against Disinformation and on Content Moderation in Indonesia,” 2024 Konferensi Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (KISIP) III, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Jakarta, Indonesia.
- “Digital Authoritarian Practices and Their Human Rights Impact,” 2023 Symposium on Democracy in the Times of Digital Transformations, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi (IIIT-Delhi).
- “Southeast Asian Students & Clubs Welcome Event Panel,” Division of Student Life, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- “Global Network for Social Justice and Digital Resilience: Launch Event Panel,” UN Internet Governance Forum, Kyoto, Japan.
- SRT551 – “Privacy and Confidentiality” with Course Instructor Hendra Hendrawan: “Citizen Lab: Research on the Intersection of Digital Security and Human Rights” (guest lecturer), Seneca College, Toronto, Canada.
- Teaching Assistant (TA) Training Workshop on Grading Assignments, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- “Identifying un-civil society and online influencers in attacks on 2SLGBTIQ+ communities and potential solutions” (presenter), RightsCon Conference, San José, Costa Rica.
- “Sovereignty in the Age of Data” Symposium: “Who is secure?” University of British Columbia – Okanagan Campus, Canada.
- “The Weaponization of Disinformation in Canada” (discussant), University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.
- “Teaching in Arts & Sciences: Designing Quercus for Learning and Engagement,” Faculty of Arts & Sciences Teaching & Learning Community of Practice Workshop Series, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- “Information Controls and the State: Internet censorship and shutdowns in times of conflict,” ETH Zurich and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
- “Black, LatinX, Southeast Asian & First Generation Undergrad Students Engaging in Research,” Division of Student Life, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- “Teaching, Managing, and Assessing Large Courses,” Faculty of Arts & Sciences Teaching & Learning Community of Practice Workshop Series, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- “Indonesian-Canadian Migration Policy Dialogue: Challenges and Possibilities” (moderator), the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Toronto, Canada and the Asian Institute at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- “Bijak dalam Bermedia Sosial” (“Using Social Media Wisely”) (in Bahasa Indonesia), the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia, Toronto, Canada.
- Panel on PhD Major Field Exam in Public Policy, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- Ready, Engaged and Informed: Canada and the role of intelligence in addressing emerging threats and challenges: Panel on “Symbolic, Efficient Intelligent and Effective? The Challenges of Integrating a Gendered Approach in Intelligence”, Bishop’s University and Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada.
- First Year Research Workshop, University of Toronto Students’ Union (UTSU) First Year Council, Toronto, Canada.
- International Studies Association (ISA): Panel on “Measurement of Internet Activity and Control,” ISA Virtual Presentation.
- “Integrating a Gender Perspective in Intelligence Services,” OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF), and UN Women.
- 2022 Master of Global Affairs (MGA) Career Week: Global Development Panel, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- 2021 OutSummit: Panel on “No Access: LGBTIQ Website Censorship in Six Countries” report (moderator), OutRight Action International.
- 2021 Tech for Democracy: Panel on “Making digital tech work to democratize local communities and support environmental justice,” Globalt Fokus and Association for Progressive Communications (APC).
- Indonesia Social Science Seminar Series (IS4): “Social media, politics, and schismatic algorithms in Indonesia” (discussant), the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre (SSEAC), the Cornell Southeast Asia Program (SEAP) and the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV).
- Asia Pacific 2021: Trends & Crises Transforming Regional Security: Panel on “Trends in Intra-State & Transnational Security,” Defense & Security Foresight (DSF) Group, Canada.
- “Digital Repression: Confronting the evolving challenge,” the International Forum for Democratic Studies and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
- 2021 Global Security Forum: Panel on “Terrorism Threats and Responses Online: The Role of ICTs,” The Soufan Center.
- 2021 American Political Science Association Conference (APSA): Panel on “New Directions in the Study of Conflict and Pluralism in Southeast Asia,” APSA Virtual Presentation.
- 2021 European Cybersecurity Seminar Series: “The Geopolitics of Data Routing” (discussant), European Cyber Conflict Research Initiative (ECCRI).
- Panel on the release of “No Access: LGBTIQ Website Censorship in Six Countries” report, OutRight Action International.
- IS444 – “Inside Diplomacy: A Practitioner’s Perspective” (guest lecturer) with former Ambassador Paul Meyer, Week 12: Diplomacy of Cyber Security, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.
- 2021 RightsCon: Panel on “Balancing Privacy and Public Health in Digital Contact Tracing in the APAC Region.”
- “Bincang Santuy UU ITE” (“Discussion on Revising Indonesia’s IET Law”) (in Bahasa Indonesia), Heylaw Indonesia.
- Panel on “Beyond COVID-19: Non-Traditional Security in Asia,” Defence and Security Foresight (DSF) Group, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.
- “Global Ideas Institute’s Mentors Training on Conducting Interviews,” Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- “Debate: 5G will harm the planet – True or False?” (subject matter expert), Youth Internet Governance Forum.
- “Human rights and COVID-19 contact-tracing apps,” McGill International Law Society (MILS), McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
- 2020 Re:Locations Symposium: Resilience & Disaster: The Global South during COVID-19 – Presented a draft paper titled “Securitization of COVID-19 in the Philippines,” University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- “Pandemic of Surveillance: Digital Contact Tracing in Southeast Asia,” Digital Reach Asia.
- 2020 Conference on Cyber Norms: Panel session “Toward inclusion: the global governance of cyber norms,” The Hague Program for Cyber Norms.
- “Citizenship in the Age of Digital Surveillance,” Asian Institute at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- “Multi-Sector Cooperation & Protection of Human Rights while Countering Terrorism,” Co-hosted by the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) and the UN Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED).
- “Membicarakan Satu Tahun Internet Shutdown di Indonesia” (“One Year after Internet Shutdown in Indonesia”) (in Bahasa Indonesia), Youth Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Indonesia.
- “Cyber Threat Data Coalition Event” (moderator), ETH Zurich and Forum of Incident Response Security Teams (FIRST).
- “Exploring the New Digital Threats for Civil Society in Southeast Asia” (co-organiser and panellist), Tifa Foundation and the Citizen Lab.
- 10th USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet: Panel on “Internet Freedom in the International Arena,” 2020 Free and Open Communications on the Internet (FOCI) Conference.
- “Privacy and Digital Security in Indonesia,” The Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy (ELSAM).
- “Belanja Online: Nasib Data Pribadi Kita di Mata Hukum” (Our Personal Data in the Eyes of the Law) (in Bahasa Indonesia), Djokosoetono Research Center at the University of Indonesia Faculty of Law.
- Instagram Live Chat with Citizen Lab Director Ron Deibert: “Personal data protection & COVID-19.”
- “Pelindungan Data Pribadi dalam Aplikasi “PeduliLindungi”” (“Personal Data Protection in Indonesia’s “Peduli Lindungi” COVID-19 app”) (in Bahasa Indonesia), The Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy (ELSAM).
- “Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Digital Rights,” Organization of American States.
- 2020 Munk School Graduate Student Conference: Technology in the Global Sphere: Opportunities and Challenges: Panel on Global Security and Technology, University of Toronto Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy’s Graduate Student Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- 2020 Global Careers Through Asia Conference: Keynote Panel with Senator Thanh Hai Ngo and Professor Rachel Silvey, Asian Institute at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- 2019 Canadian Cybersecurity Dialogue: Panel 4: “It’s A Small World After All: Canada’s Cyber Foreign Policy,” Ottawa, Canada.
- UN Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) on developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security – Panel on “Cybersecurity: Why gender matters?” (moderator), Co-hosted by the Permanent Mission of Canada to the UN and the Organisation of American States, New York, USA.
- 2019 UN Internet Governance Forum: Panel on “Strengthening Digital Transformation through Digital Security,” Berlin, Germany.
- 2019 UN Internet Governance Forum: Panel on “Strengthening Digital Ecosystem for Better Digital Inclusion” (moderator), Berlin, Germany.
- COMN3550 – “Digital Media and Culture” with Doctoral Candidate Lianrui Jia: “The Battle over the Future of Internet Governance” (guest lecturer), York University, Toronto, Canada.
- “Southeast Asia’s information environment,” Naval War College, Newport, USA.
- 2019 Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies (CCSEAS) Conference – Session titled “Taking Stock to Move Forward: Making Space for Southeast Asia in the Study of World Politics” – Presented a draft paper on cyber norms development in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Montreal, Canada.
- 2019 Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies (CCSEAS) Conference – Session titled “Contested Spheres of Social Mobilisation and the Regulatory State in Southeast Asia” – Presented a draft paper on ICTs and LGBTIQ advocacy in Southeast Asia, Montreal, Canada.
- 36th Annual Frank Church Institute Conference – “Democracy in an Age of Anxiety” – Panel on “Democracy and the China Question,” Boise State University, Idaho, USA.
- Conference on the Human Rights Situation in Vietnam – Hosted by The Hon. Senator Thanh Hai Ngo (Senate Canada), Ottawa, Canada.
- 2019 Association for Asian Studies Conference: Roundtable on “Chinese Internet beyond China: Perspectives from Southeast Asia and Beyond” (chair), Denver, Colorado, USA.
- Panel on “Populism and Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia,” the Asian Institute at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- Panel on “Technological Experiments in the Digital Age,” University of Toronto Faculty of Law and Human Rights Watch Canada, Toronto, Canada.
- Indonesian Students Association (PERMIKA) Toronto workshop on “Leaders in Training: Lead, Motivate, and Inspire,” Toronto, Canada.
- New York University’s (NYU) Center for Global Affairs and UN Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) workshop on Technology & Counter-terrorism, NYU School of Professional Studies, New York, USA.
- “Nowhere to Hide: The Impact of Technology Facilitated Violence, Abuse and Harassment, And What We Can Do About It,” University of Toronto (Rotman School of Management’s Institute for Gender and the Economy), Toronto, Canada.
- 2018 UN Internet Governance Forum: Panel on “Technical and Operational Issues: Content Blocking and Filtering: a challenge for Internet growth,” UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France.
- 2018 UN Internet Governance Forum: Panel on “Combating Fake News and Dangerous Content in the Digital Age,” UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France.
- “Internet infrastructure and governance in Indonesia,” Naval War College, Newport, USA.
- “Internet infrastructure and governance in Indonesia,” Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Helsinki, Finland.
- UN Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) and UN Women Research Symposium on gender, terrorism, and countering violent extremism, UN Headquarters, New York, USA.
- 2018 RightsCon Conference: Panel on “Big Brother is Really Watching: Digital Surveillance & Gender-based Violence,” Toronto, Canada.
- 2018 RightsCon Conference: Panel on “Frontiers of Feminist Issues Online: Understanding the Tensions and Opportunities at the Intersection of Innovations, Digital Rights, and Security” (panellist), Toronto, Canada.
- 2018 RightsCon Conference: Panel on “Tech Against Terrorism – Respecting Human Rights in Tackling Terrorist Exploitation of the Internet,” Toronto, Canada.
- 2018 RightsCon Conference: Panel on “Understanding Freedom of Expression in Southeast Asia: Internet Freedom and Online Censorship,” Toronto, Canada.
- 2018 World Movement for Democracy Conference: Panel on “Targeted Espionage and Digital Disinformation Against Civil Society” (panel organiser), Dakar, Senegal.
- UN Women and Hedayah workshop on gender and countering violent extremism, Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates.
- 2017 UN Internet Governance Forum: Panel on “A Playbook for Gender Equality: How to Harness the Power of Digital Media & Emerging Tech,” UN Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
- 2017 UN Internet Governance Forum: Panel on “Year in review: Overview of current initiatives in cybersecurity and stability” (moderator), UN Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
- 2017 International Political Science Association (IPSA) Conference: Panel on “Cybersecurity and Human Rights in the Online World,” Hanover, Germany.
- UN Women and UN Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) panel on “Information Technology, Gender and Terrorism,” Permanent Mission of Canada to the UN, New York, USA.
- “Internet infrastructure and governance in the Philippines,” Naval War College, Newport, USA.
- 2017 6 Degrees Conference: Panel on “Digital Citizenship 101: Walled Gardens and Virtual Bridges”, Toronto, Canada.
- 2017 European Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) Conference: Roundtable on Southeast Asian elections, populism and authoritarianism, University of Oxford, UK.
- 2017 Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF): Workshop on technology and countering extremism, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Canada-Japan Symposium, Global Affairs Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
- 2015 Internet Governance Forum: Panel on “Trends in Information Controls in Latin America” (moderator), João Pessoa, Brazil.
- 2015 Colombian Internet Governance Forum, Bogota, Colombia.
- 2015 Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF): Panel on “Online Threats to Free Expression and Religious Freedom,” Macau, China.
- 2015 RightsCon Conference: Panel on “Filtering Free Expression in Southeast Asia,” Manila, the Philippines.
- 2015 Freedom Online Coalition Conference, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
- Mentor, 2023-24 Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship Mentorship Program, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- Regional Project Manager (Southeast Asia), 2022 Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Digital Society Project.
- Member, Digital Democracy Network, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
- Mentor, 2020-21 Asian Institute Mentorship Program, Asian Institute at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, Toronto, Canada.
- Member, 2020-21 Forum of Incident Response Security Teams (FIRST) Threat Intelligence SIG Steering Committee.
- Member, 2018-21 Feminist Artificial Intelligence (AI) Network Expert Group.
- Organising Committee Member, 2019 Canadian Cybersecurity Dialogue, Ottawa, Canada.
- Steering Committee Member, 2019 Researching Algorithmic Decision-Making Systems Workshop, Berlin, Germany.
- Member, Alumni Advisory Group, Asian Institute at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, Toronto, Canada.
- Committee Member, 2019 Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies (CCSEAS) Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Organising Committee Member, 2019 Citizen Lab Summer Institute, Toronto, Canada.
- Organising Committee Member, 2018 Canadian Cybersecurity Dialogue, Ottawa, Canada.
- Program Committee Member, 2018 Asia Pacific Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF), Port Vila, Vanuatu.
- Organising Committee Member, 2018 Citizen Lab Summer Institute, Toronto, Canada.
- Conference Coordinator, 2017 Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies (CCSEAS) Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Program Committee Member, 2017 Asia Pacific Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF), Bangkok, Thailand.
- Multistakeholder Steering Group Member (2017-2019), Asia Pacific Internet Governance Forum.
- Organising Committee Member, 2017 Citizen Lab Summer Institute, Toronto, Canada.
- Organising Committee Member, 2016 Citizen Lab Summer Institute, Toronto, Canada.
- Organising Committee Member, 2015 Citizen Lab Summer Institute, Toronto, Canada.
- Organising Committee Member, 2014 Citizen Lab Summer Institute, Toronto, Canada.
- Organising Committee Member, 2013 UN Internet Governance Forum, Bali, Indonesia.
Professional Experience
- Senior Research Officer, The Citizen Lab, University of Toronto, February 2016 to Present.
- Research and Communications Officer, The Citizen Lab, University of Toronto, June 2011 to February 2016.
- Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, January to June 2011
- Communications Coordinator, Make-A-Wish Foundation of Canada, May 2011 to August 2012.
- Web Manager, Free The Children, November 2010 to May 2011.
- Assistant to Communications Officer, Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, September 2009 to April 2010.
- Senior Research Assistant, Human Security Report Project, Simon Fraser University, January 2008 to April 2010.
- Administrative Assistant, CIBC, June 2007 to December 2007.
- Intern, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Regional Office for Southeast Asia, United Nations, January 2007 to June 2007.
- Project Assistant, Centre for Southeast Asia Research, Institute of Asian Research, The University of British Columbia, September 2005 to December 2006.
- Bookkeeper and Office Manager, Cactus Club Cafe, January 2005 to December 2006.
- Certificate in Teaching Fundamentals, University of Toronto’s Teaching Assistants’ Training Program (TATP).
- Certificate in Leadership in Administration, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto.
- Certificate in Marketing Communications, University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies.